10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action | Which are best


 10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action. A lot of games a lot of killing sometimes it's a brute force but today let's talk a little bit about when it's got some flavor hi folks it's Falcon - today on game ranks 10 shooter games with over-the-top action.

      (Number Ten: Titanfall)

  Now, of course, titanfall 2 is a game where you kill with the style it has an incredibly novel control scheme that takes advantage of the game's concept there's lots of wall running there's lots of gravity-defying in fact if you get a good grapple on the controls for this game you can do stuff that well it's just physically impossible part of the reason why it's so fun though is the sliding and that's also one of the reasons why apex legends are such a fun game as you're whipping around sliding around doing stuff that no human could ever do you can also get into a big mech and the big mechs are also very cool in fact titanfall 2 really is genuinely full of style.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

 (Number Nine: Max Payne 3)

  Now just to go ahead and say this Max Payne is pretty much the series that fully took on bullet time as a thing that should be in video games and while the matrix video games of course did bullet time the Max Payne games really have done it to the fullest Max Payne 3 is, of course, the ultimate example of that the kinds of massive firefights you can get into and totally just rip through people with this incredible 360-degree control that manages to just feel crisp from any angle you could be laying on the floor and spinning around unloading a clip on multiple people and it never really seems awkward it's incredibly smooth and between the fact that you can do all of these things and it gives you the very cool death animations to call it stylish would be a massive understatement it's one of the crowning achievements of stylish kills in video games period.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

 (Number Eight: Far Cry New Dawn)

  Which has some of the most incredibly good parkour-oriented stealth killing in any video game you can maneuver around the terrain with such dexterity and make little sounds cause little distractions grab people jump people quickly pop up from some stairs I mean there are so many possibilities and whenever you pull any of it off you just look like a massive badass there are people who just spend so much time getting incredibly skilled with these kills and post these kill compilations frankly it's all just totally nuts when you get to swinging around with the rope and just landing on people destroying them bouncing buzzsaws off of walls I mean don't get me wrong these kills are super brutal and if this was happening in real life it would not be cool to watch it would probably actually make me sick to my stomach if it was real but it's like a damn sport.  

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

  (Number Seven: Dying Light)

    Which are another game that gives you the ability to do parkour you got a sword you can slice stuff in half you got a shotgun you can blow stuff apart now you add that stuff in with the parkour and you have some pretty stylish if not very gory pretty wild kills like the difference here is that the bodies respond significantly more to physics so you can end up using them in various ways the way it works actually really does a good job selling the entire concept of the game because having all of these meat-headed zombies just sort of function as physics objects that sort of fall apart and break it will it really makes the idea that this is a decaying world come together well and it also makes you feel like a total badass.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

  (Number Six: Rage)

    Which relies a lot more heavily on weapons than we have been talking about in the last few games you see you get a lot of different weapons as well as powers that you can string together with slightly more advanced environmental traversal rather than just the default in a first-person shooter and you can string together all of these gadgets powers and weapons so that you're just flinging people everywhere blowing people up and stringing together all of these ridiculous kills add that to the fact that this game is stylistically a pretty cool-looking post-apocalyptic game it doesn't fall for a lot of the traps that a lot of that type of game do so you have all this really cool action going on in a really definitive environment and people who are particularly good at it again tend to look very cool.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

 (Number Five: Fear)

    Fear gives you a lot of different options everything about it is ridiculous the physics are not realistic in any way and in truth the capabilities that it has our bizarre especially considering its a dam Horrigan it has a bullet time called reflex time and the intent is to sort of mimic a John Woo movie the game is literally designed to have style it's supposed to be stylish and the fact that it's not the most detailed game you've ever seen I mean it's from 2005 is kind of not a problem when you actually see the game in action because it feels cool as hell I mean it's a game that sort of nudges you in that direction anyways but once you get good at it it really just calls all of the matrix style wirework gunfight stuff right into your brain it's all right there you get to play through it though in fear.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

(Number Four: Quake)

    Let's just go ahead and say this quake allowed you to move around really cool the idea of a rocket jump is a quick thing and Wow is it cool it's present obviously in a lot of quick games quick live playing in the arena doing the rocket jumps it's just one of those things that like there's no real equivalent obviously you are not going to shoot Rockets and time jumps so that they cause more inertia so that you can jump higher and move quicker through the map in real life at any point because you'd probably kill yourself but when you do it in quake it looks so beyond cool still I mean quick doesn't look good at this point it looks bad it's a very early 3d game and even the later versions like quake live which is a 2010 game a really built on that same basically nothing aesthetic but it looks so cool to see somebody jumping around a level using rockets as their fuel.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

(Number Three: Bullet Storm)

 This is a game that really allowed you to do some pretty wild stuff with killing one you could leash people up you could grab them could pull them could yank them all over the place could also tie grenades to people I'm not going to say that you couldn't do some of these things in other games but you can't really get drunk and do them in other games in Bullet storm you can and you can do all of them like most games have some of these ideas well the storm is excessive and if you know what you're doing you can get these insane skill shots that give you a big bonus on top of looking awesome but with the storm is one of those games where when you see it in action with somebody who's actually skilled playing it it's kind of weird that it was a commercial failure because it's cool as hell.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

   (Number Two: Super Hot)

 I think that I need to explain the concept of super hot for people to fully understand why trick kills in this are so cool are so impressive are so stylish so the way super hot works it is an FPS that can be played as either regular game or VR where time only moves forward when you're moving so it has a pretty cool aesthetic as well kind of reminding me of Mirror's Edge a little bit but not a whole lot that being said you basically have the ability to very carefully very cleverly decide what you're going to do it basically all times and you benefit greatly from this if you know what you're doing lots of people make montages at this game that end up looking basically like something out of a John wick movie if the John wick movie was Mirror's Edge there's a lot of maneuvering that's kind of astounding there's a lot of trick shots and really every single time partly because of the game's aesthetic it looks beyond cool this is one of those games that's just so distinctly itself there's nothing else really like    it and the game's tagline time only moves when you move gives you the implication that you really got a move.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action

 (Number One: Doom Eternal)  

  Doom Eternal does some pretty sweet stuff with kill combos there's also quite a bit of pretty wild platforming and linking together of environments that if you get good at makes you look like some sort of God add that in with all of the sweet death animations that you can get and how chaotic the game itself gets thrown in with that amazing soundtrack it has truly a high-octane blood pumping soundtrack and Doom Eternal energy is just on another level with so many video games. I really just have to say I love doom eternal they did a great job is it perfect no but if you want a game that's gonna just run your adrenaline at insane levels it's doom eternal that's all we've got for today leave is a comment let us know what you think if you liked this.

10 Shooting Games With Over The Top Action


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