Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


The evolution of programming languages have paved  the manner for brand spanking new potentialities within the world of software system development believe it or not in step with the historical encyclopaedia of programming languages we have 8945 programming languages and Counting it's a natural law that nothing lasts forever likewise despite their unparalleled caliber and contribution to the I.T industry There are some languages ​​that are becoming obsolete With the introduction of several entry-level programming languages, it looks like the current programming languages ​​are about to expire The question is which of these programming languages ​​should be the least Concentration arises.

Coffee Script:

At number 1 we have coffee script is one of the lightest languages ever designed CoffeeScript a single-threaded and synchronous programming language had fewer lines of code than JavaScript with increased readability compared to its predecessor CoffeeScript was adopted by major companies like Dropbox GitHub and many more to develop their browser site code however the latest migration chose JavaScript as a better alternative as of January 2020 CoffeeScript was declared Obsolete and is no more operational.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number 2 we have Ruby with six percent of the worldwide programmers Community Ruby is in second place on our list for today. Ruby is extensively used in building web applications data processing Automation and many more the most prominent of all its applications is Ruby on Rails also known as RoR it's highly believed that Ruby still has a lot of potential but it's considered obsolete based on its competition allies like python are comparatively less verbose highly readable and offer better code security than Ruby hence slowly Ruby is also becoming obsolete if not completely dead.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number 3 we have VBA Visual Basic VBA was one of the most extensively used programming languages not only beginners but also corporates also use the VBA the language could build High Performance Tools to extract data from various sources companies like Microsoft ArcGIS AutoCAD Coral draw and labor office used VBA to manage their internal operations Microsoft's VBA currently shares four percent of the worldwide developer community despite being based it is no longer updated by Microsoft indicating its obsolescence.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number 4 we have Scala. Scala was a well-known language in the developers Community for a really long period it is one of the most powerful languages that are based on Java with the potential to method petabytes of massive knowledge it isn't as a result of performance however as a result of the options that most developers are unaware of affirmative migration to Scala from java is a little difficult as it offers a steeper learning curve also skull has a smaller developer community of 2.9 worldwide making support scars.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023

Objective C:

At number 5 we have Objective C. Objective C has already established a firm foot in the world of application development so much so that libraries it supports are nearly impossible to recreate with a new language Objective C was originally utilized by Apple to develop its applications for Apple devices however thanks to its wordy nature advanced syntax and noncurrent libraries Apple created the switch to Swift for the ease of code readability and application development with less than 2.5 percent of the worldwide developer Community Objective C is close to becoming an obsolete programming language soon.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number 6 we have Perl originally developed for script manipulation Perl has turned out to be one of the go-to languages for web development it is one of the most efficient open source languages for text manipulation despite its Simplicity and efficiency Perl comes with a major drawback Perl fails to support portability because of cpan modules programs run slowly and must be interpreted each time any changes are made these drawbacks have resulted in the drop of developers in Perl currently it has less than 2.3 percent of developers worldwide.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number four 7 have Haskell with similar numbers a 2.2 percent share of developers worldwide we have Haskell earlier Microsoft and similar companies depended on Haskell for their software development lately Haskell has faced issues like no proper IDE support complex syntax and a steep learning curve this forced developers to migrate to better alternatives also Haskell's major disadvantage is its inability to support humanoid development these square measure a number of the numerous reasons to show Haskell into a weakening programming language.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


At number 8 we have Fortran. Fortran had laid foundations in various domains for a decent period of 30 years everything was handled using Fortran from designing Bridges to airplanes and Factory automation to data analysis such a wonderful language conjointly turned obsolete whereas facing the check of your time developers presently had to migrate from algebraic language thanks to a scarcity of dynamic memory dependability and unsafe code prone to cyber threats currently less than one percent of developers worldwide are working with Fortran.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


 At number 9 we have Erlang. Erlang escalated telecommunications processes to new heights for Ericsson apart from telecoms erlang supported banking e-commerce computer systems development and instant messaging services despite its capabilities to develop nearly everything within the technical school trade the mythical being heel of Erlang was its advanced debugging procedures and important preparation problems this resulted within the deterioration of the might of erlang today a handful of developers with less than one percent worldwide operate in erlang that brings us to our top programming language which is slowly becoming obsolete.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023


 At number 10 we have COBOL. Cobal is one of the languages from Mainframe computer era the early Mainframe programming for business transactions Banking and many more was handled by COBOL since its veteran programming language it had a tougher verbose syntax with slow compilation and deployment today with less than 0.5 percent of the developer community COBOL is considered one of the legendary programming languages going extinct that concludes our list of the top 10 dying programming languages for the year 2023.

Top 10 Un-useful Programming Languages of 2023 | 10 Worst programming languages of 2023

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