FASTEST Way to Learn Coding (for FREE)

 What I learned from working at tech is that you do not really need a computer  wisdom degree to come a software mastermind. Today I'll tell you the fastest way to learn coding from none to a expert for free.

FASTEST Way to Learn Coding (for FREE)


 To learn to code you must first decide on a programming language there are many languages like C C plus plus Java and JavaScript but for beginners I recommend python because  for it’s  two main reasons one it's very easy for beginner and it’s friendly language. One of best reasons why people can not do coding early is not because they don’t learn it but because they started with the wrong language my mother language is Java but if I recall the countless hours finding its syntax I would never choose it as my first language in coding syntax refers to the grammar of a programming language computers do not understand even the slightest grammatical error which is why a language with easy syntax is crucial for beginners in Python is int for example this is the  law for  publishing hello world in Java this is the  fellow of python this Simplicity is why I made a squid Game parody of how python could indeed save people's lives some argue that you should jump straight to more serious languages like C and C plus however I'm afraid I have to disagree C++ is notorious for its calm looted syntax learning it first is the best way to lose interest in coding C also has a Beginner programmers should concentrate on Python since it has a steep learning curve and avoids problems with concepts like pointers and memory management.  How coding works not how the language Works don't make the mistake of learning another language prematurely either concentrate on becoming proficient with one first Master at programming language and you realize that all of them are virtually the same the second reason I recommend python is its popularity in the industry it's wide usage in various business sectors such as web development machine learning and data science opens up multiple job opportunities after all if the programming language isn't practical how will you get a job right now that we well-know python is actually a good choice.

FASTEST Way to Learn Coding (for FREE)

How to learn Python:

 Let's talk about how to learn it as I told in how I would learn to code the best way to learn to code is always to do it think of it this way you get better at soccer by playing soccer and no watching someone else play likewise there's only so much you can learn just by watching videos and reading Handbooks you should follow along write the law yourself do the exercises and so on I recommend this YouTube it's one of the stylish places to help learn to code for free their courses are easy to follow and taught by the industry experts I learned many different languages and Frameworks from their videos too start with their full course on python for beginners you can learn the fundamentals of python without any prior coding experience.

Build Projects:

Once you've completed the tutorial it's time to hone your chops by  erecting  systems. Compactly then number one growth you will learn significantly by doing so imagine  erecting the mini Amazon Facebook and Reddit you will begin to understand how they work at a high level and be empowered to solve more challenging problems at hand number two experience it'll introduce you to how soft Rangers work in the real world the writing code debugging Googling and finally copy and pasting that's precisely what a day in the life of a software engineer looks like minus working line down number three resume by working on your project you automatically build your own portfolio put them on your resume with links to your GitHub Board website for a detailed guide on how to craft an effective resume. Then the next big question is what kind of project should you build again learn with free code camp start with the 20 beginner python projects here follow along writing the  law yourself until you completely understand once you've completed the course it's time to  make more complex stuff you can add  further features to the small  systems you worked in starting.

 Coding Interviews:

 You've learned python build projects and crafted a superb resume it should be applied for jobs right away it's wrong everything up to this point will help you land what we call a coding interview a coding interview is a technical challenge where a candidate is asked to solve a coin problem many companies including Fang love to play these games to evaluate you some people neglect to prepare for them arguing that coding interviews are irrelevant to your daily work however that's not a prudent strategy as you'll have to play by this rule one way or another now then how do you prepare for coding interviews study DSA data structures and algorithms simply put DSA as the fundamentals of computer science coding interviews are applications of its Concepts where can you learn DSA for free you guessed it free code Camp they have a complete python course on data structures and algorithms for beginners having cracked many fan interviews including Googles I can assure you that this blog is everything you need to crack  your's.

Leet Code:

 Now that you've learned the concepts it's time to put them into practice the best platform to prepare for coding interviews is leet code this is where all the software Engineers including industry professionals have Fang come to sharpen their skills Leet code is awesome because you can write code and test your Solutions directly on their website many of the problems in their database are real interview questions too when you visit the code for the first time the sheer number of problems can be daunting. I mean there are nearly 2500 it's overwhelming . But I'll share the two don'ts from this blog one don't solve random problems instead grind the questions on the same topic until you get a click on the patterns two don't spend more than 45 minutes on a single problem if you can't figure it out look up the solution however learn from it then come back to the same question until you can solve it without help you're ready to apply for the jobs if you can solve a medium problem in 45 minutes.

FASTEST Way to Learn Coding (for FREE)


 Now let's take a look at the Timeline. Just follow the pages in order in summary Learn Python build projects study DSA and finally solve lead code if you do the math that's nearly 20 hours of video time on free code cam tutorials alone which is pretty good to be honest University Computer Science lectures are generally 45 hours of class time per semester you're learning the essentials in just 20. in addition to the tutorials I recommend you build at least two hig hquality projects spending about 40 to 60 hours each once you have your project and resume ready move on to lead code there's no fixed timeline for Leet code but I suggest you solve at least 150 questions before actively applying for jobs.

FASTEST Way to Learn Coding (for FREE)


 Alright we discussed the fastest way to become a software engineer for free if you're still unconfident and prefer an affordable alternative consider giving springboards coding bootcamp a try. Before I close let me make this clear I try my best to give you the easiest path forward but that doesn't mean coding itself is easy take it seriously if you don't want to give up Midway realistically if you're determined and commit to coding at least two hours a day I'm confident you can successfully become a software engineer within 6 to 12 months remember the best way to learn to code is to do it to start coding now.

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