Twitter and Elon Musk Story

 Rise and Fall Twitter of Twitter and Elon Musk Story :

In this blog we are talking about Twitter and Elon Musk Story. Twitter and Elon Musk are the new buzzwords. The Tesla techno King is making shocking changes to his newly acquired Twitter laying off more than 50 of the staff is catching most of the attention but what led him to do this is it a good sign or is Twitter heading to a downfall today we will dive deep into the facts about Twitter and Elon Musk to understand how Twitter built its Empire and how Elon is revamping it.

Twitter and Elon Musk Story

Twitter History:

 Twitter is a famous social media website that was originally a podcasting platform named "ODEO" based in San Francisco it was built by Nova Glass Evan will and Jack Dorsey in the early 2000s the launch of podcasting on iPods by Apple in 2005 caused a pause for ODEO but without giving up Jack Anova introduced the concept of Twitter to the rest of the staff it was on March 21, 2006, at 12:50 PM Darcy posted his first Twitter message just set up my Twitter which was sold for 2.9 Million Dollar last year initially Twitter had just won 40 users.

Twitter Popularity:

 But in 2007 Twitter completely dominated a conference named South by the Southwest interactive conference a screen was purposely placed in the conference Hall which was exclusively used for streaming Twitter messages during the event Twitter usage went from 20,000 tweets to 60,000 and it received the festival's web award prize from here Twitter began to pick up steam and instantly became the platform for knowing what was happening along with this Fame Twitter raised 1 million dollar at a 5 million valuation and also Mr President Obama thanked the Twitter followers for their support following the farewell address to the nation which has become the most popular tweet on the presidential account seeing all this popularity and growth Facebook tried to acquire Twitter in 2008 but Twitter a growing social media platform rejects Facebook's offer and becomes a billionaire Company by getting a raise of 100 billion dollars at a one billion dollar valuation in November 2013 Twitter went public with shares valued at 26 as the market opened and 44 dollar when it closed today Twitter has become a popular social media site with 290.5 million monthly active users and a revenue of 5 billion dollars.

Stagnancy of Twitter:

 As the World Series itself in the middle of covid-19 social media has become overloaded with content related to the virus although Facebook and Instagram currently provide medical scope perhaps no other social media platform consistently recreated a most significant role in the medical world than Twitter during this time. Twitter also had 139 million to 186 million users and 3.4 billion dollars to 3.7 billion dollar in Revenue along with all this popularity and start them Twitter also faced some hardships during covid 19. As the Indian government asked Twitter to remove all the URLs and posts that criticize the way Indian government was handling the pandemic situation in response to these Twitter withdraws 50 posts and content and officially notifies the account holders nevertheless Twitter has become one of the top trending social media platforms making it a very active in the business world where so many big investors and business tycoons are interested in investing in Twitter shares.

Twitter and Elon Musk Story

Elon Musk and Twitter:

Here Comes Elon Musk who was also interested in buying shares on Twitter yeah on January 31st 2022 Elon Musk started to take Twitter share reaching more than five percent stake by March 14, 2022 now what do you think why did Elon Musk buy shares on Twitter as we all know Elon Musk has 80 million followers on Twitter which he will use for marketing his brands for example Hyundai has to spend 1.5 lakhs for its advertisement whereas Tesla needs 20 rupees this is because Elon will do most of its advertising on Twitter reducing Quest last advertising costs according to American Securities and Exchange Commission the shareholders name Will publicly announced if the shares take is more than five percent by April 4, 2022 the stake rate Elon reached 9.2 percent which was announced publicly on April 5th Twitter offered Elon to become one of the board members after many controversies Elon said yes to Twitter offer and after a few days that is on April 14th he offered to take the entire Twitter for 43 billion dollars.

Twitter and Elon Musk Story

Changes in Twitter by Elon Musk:

 Finally on October 27 2022 Elon took Twitter for 44 billion dollars right after Elon took over Twitter he made Twitter a public company to a private company remove the CEO paragagawal with other Chief security members who were controlling misinformation and harmful content in Twitter he also announced that the verified Blue Tick Mark which will be given to people who are public figures and influencers it is given to anyone who pays Eight dollar per month as a consequence of these changes made by Elon Twitter had a rapid loss of 4 million dollar per day it lost the biggest Advertiser on Twitter like General Mills General Motors and 15 plus other companies who stopped giving ads on Twitter the number of spam accounts increased on Twitter due to which the rates of hatred speech raised all this leads us to think what was elon's Vision to do all these changes on Twitter.

Elon's Vision:

 He learns main objective was to make Twitter more profitable by making it a We Chat a Chinese app where users can tweet chat with each other video calls play video games and make payments bring the freedom of speech by giving the power of free speech to every user of Twitter make Twitter get a revenue of 26 billion dollar with 931 million active users by the end of 2028. 

The key takeaways:

The key takeaway from this is firstly never to give power to someone who can't handle it and doesn't know its value second good businesses only have ice on the price but only great businesses will focus on the values and lastly the great business always prioritizes people not the numbers what do you think will be the next move of Elon Musk and the future of Twitter let me know in the comments below.


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